Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Band Camp is behind them; Production Week is Under Way

Band camp was held last week; and the members had a different theme each day. Monday was Mix and Match day; members dressed in their favorite articles of clothing even if they did not match. Tuesday found the members dressing for Halloween in July. There was a vampire, a bumble bee, and a football player to name a few. Wednesday was section wars. Each section was assigned a color to dress to bring unity to the groups. The four drum majors determine the best section; and the Trumpets were triumphant. Finally, on Thursday, the members dressed in their best BD pride. Purple could be seen everywhere you looked. With all the fun happenings, the members were still able to learn the first 17 charts of the show; and received charts 18-32 to put in their dot books. They will be learning the charts over the next week.

This week finds the members participating in Production Week. Members will be working toward Friday when they will present what they have learned to everyone at the Ice Cream Social. See you all at the Giant Stadium at 6:00 pm. Don’t be late; you won’t want to miss a moment.

If anyone would like to make a donation to the Uniform Fund, please contact David Cole, Assistant Band Director, at All donations are tax deductable.

Upcoming events:

July 28 – 8:00 – 5:00 pm – Full Band
July 29 – 5:00 – 9:00 pm – Full Band
July 29 – 5:30 – 7:30 pm – Guard Only
July 30 – 8:00 – 5:00 pm – Full Band
August 2 – 5:00 – 9:00 pm – Full Band
August 3 – 5:00 – 9:00 pm – Full Band
August 4 – 5:00 – 9:00 pm – Full Band

July 30 – Ice Cream Social – 6:00 pm – Giant Stadium

August 3 – Band Booster Meeting – Band Room – 7:00 pm
August 4 – Box Brigade Start-Up Meeting – Ensemble Room – 7:00 pm

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