Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Homespun Holiday Craft Fair

Were you one of over 1000 customers at the Craft Fair? If so, you saw over 100 vendors who brought in arts, crafts, jewelry, holiday decorations, baked goods, gourmet foods, Christmas gifts, home décor, and much, much more to the Annual Band Boosters “Homespun Holiday Craft Show” on Saturday, November 20. Happy customers were seen leaving with many purchases.

Many thanks go out to all the parents and students that helped put this day together. Without these volunteers putting in their time to man the doors, set-up and tear down booths, serve food, make signs, and stuff envelopes, this event could not have taken place. Special thanks go to Katie Hein and Suzanne Driver, co-chairperson, for all their time and effort in preparing and organizing such a successful show. Plans are already in the making for next year’s show. Mark your calendars now for November 19, 2011. You won’t want to miss it.

Thank you everyone, in our wonderful community, for your continued support!

Upcoming events:
November 25, HAPPY THANKSGIVING from Ben Davis Bands
November 29, 6 to 9 pm, Marching Band Banquet and Dance
November 30, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion and Winter Guard

Booster Meeting
December 7, 7 pm, Officer Elections

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