Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Marching Giants Finish 2nd in Their 2nd Competition

The Marching Giants, once again, had a busy weekend. It started with being the Band of the week for WTHR, channel 13, on Friday, September 23. Sports announcer, Dave Calabro, Ben Davis graduate, was present to see the Band practice before their homecoming game and pass out Operation Football shirts. Later that evening, the Marching Giants were present for the football game between Terre Haute South and Ben Davis. The members presented their competition show, “The Tables Have Turned” during half-time. The fans in the stands found the Band had added additional charts to their show causing the fans to start cheering before the show was completed. To the fans surprise, the Band had added an additional 1:09 minutes to their show from two weeks ago when they had seen them last. Additional body work, flags, and music were added to the performance making for an exciting presentation to the fans. The Marching Giants were released after half-time do get some rest before their busy Saturday.

Saturday, September 24, would bring the members back to the HS for practice before competing in the Meijer Greenwood Band Invitational at Greenwood HS. The members worked more on the additional time they had added to their show and felt good about their efforts. Before leaving for Greenwood, the members were treated to a Subway® dinner served up by Band Boosters. Thanks to all that helped. Once dinner was finished, the members dressed in uniform and loaded the buses; but not before a pep talk from John Papandria, director of bands. Eight buses, packed full of Marching Giants, head south to Greenwood; but, before they arrive, the rain moved in. The Marching Giants are held on the buses to keep their instruments and uniforms dry. The organizers of the event, decided to move Class A bands to a standstill performance. This means the Band would not march or perform in the stadium; but in the gymnasium. By being in the gym, the members would not march; they would play their music and “march” in place. The guard would be able to spin their flags and rifles but not move around. Since a standstill performance had not been done by Ben Davis in over 10 years, most in the audience had not experienced this type of competition. Many in the stands commented that the performance was very exciting to see. The Band was still able to bring effects to their show. When awards were presented, The Marching Giants were awarded caption awards for best Auxiliary and General Effect. Placing awards were presented next and Ben Davis received a 2nd place finish for their standstill performance. Congratulations to the Marching Giants!

Saturday, October 1, will find the Marching Giants beginning their start to State. They will compete in ISSMA District competition at Plainfield HS. Make sure you are in the stands when the Marching Giants take the field at 3:59 pm. The tables will be turning once again; will you be there to cheer them on?

Upcoming events:
  September 28, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  September 29, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  October 3, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  October 4, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
  October 5, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

  October 1, ISSMA District Contest, 3:59 pm

  October 4, Band Booster Meeting, 7:00 pm

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Marching Giants Compete in Their 1st Competition

Saturday, September 17, found the Marching Giants in a parade, enjoying a cookout, and their first competition. The members arrived at Ben Davis HS at 9:00 am for a morning practice before leaving for Clermont for the Old Fashion Days Parade. The Marching Giants is the only band to participate in the event. With the streets lined with people, the Band marched down Rockville Road while playing “Stars and Stripes Forever”. From young to old, everyone enjoyed seeing the Band along the route. Once the parade was complete, the members loaded their buses and headed back to the high school. After their lunch break, the members returned for afternoon practice.

After practice the Band Boosters as they cooked up and served hamburgers and hot dogs for the kids to enjoy before leaving for the Red Pride Marching Invitational in Plainfield; their first competition of the season. Many thanks go to the Band Boosters for feeding the kids. The Band arrived at Plainfield around 7:00 pm but did not perform until 9:43 pm. They must go through warm-ups before performing. Ben Davis participates in Class A competition which found seven bands in the class on Saturday. Performing to a packed stadium, the Marching Giants took the field to fans spelling out Ben Davis. Head drum major, Gigi Caballos, salutes the crowd and the show beings. The Marching Giants take the field! Additions to the show finds the tables draped with “curtains” and the guard members’ uniforms are now complete. The guard starts out the show wearing black and white jackets. During the show, they remove the jackets to reveal a colorful uniform which includes a matching headdress. The crowd is impressed by the music, moves; the entire show. The members finish and receive a standing ovation. Two other bands would perform before The Marching Giants would find out what the judges thought of their show. The top three bands would receive trophies; but participation awards would be presented first. Would Ben Davis make the top three? Yes, they did! Warren Central would be presented with 3rd place; Ben Davis received the 2nd place trophy with Avon winning the event. Congratulations to the top 3 schools; but, especially to your Marching Giants on their 2nd place finish for their first competition of the season!

The Marching Giants will be at Giant stadium on Friday, September 23, to present their show for Homecoming and, on Saturday, September 24, they will travel to Greenwood HS for their 2nd competition. The Marching Giants love to perform for their fans; will you be in the stands next week? You won’t want to miss an opportunity to support the Marching Giants!

Upcoming events:
September 21, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
September 22, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
September 26, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
September 27, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
September 28, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

September 23, Homecoming, call time 5:00 pm
September 17, Meijer Greenwood Band Invitational

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Marching Giants Prepare for their First Competition

This coming Saturday, September 17, the Marching Giants will travel to Plainfield HS for the Red Pride Marching Invitational; their first competition of the season. But before the Giants take to the field in Plainfield, they took to Giants Stadium this past Friday. The members presented their show to the “home town” crowd. This could be looked upon as a dress rehearsal, before their competitive season begins, due to the fact; the stands were packed on both sides of the field. The Warren Central Warriors (3-0) came to Ben Davis (3-0) for Friday night football bringing many fans for both teams. With so many people in the stands, the members are able to prepare mentally, as well as, competitively for their show; shaking out any pre-show jitters. During halftime, the Band is not being judged as they will be during a competition; but, they are still able to learn from their presentation and improve in the coming weeks.

During practice the past week, the members were able to add more charts and music to their show. Each week of practice brings them closer to completing their show “The Tables Have Turned”. It takes many hours of practice, on and off the field, to bring together a competitive show. It will show on Saturday as the members have worked very long and very hard for this first competition.

Before the Band makes their trip to Plainfield, you can see them in the Clermont Days Parade in downtown Clermont on Saturday. The parade steps off at 11:00 am, rain or shine. This is always a fun time for young and old. Don’t miss this parade featuring the Marching Giants.

The Marching Giants will have a busy week, next week. On Friday, September 23, the band will be present for Home Coming at Giants Stadium; and, on Saturday, September 24, they will travel to Greenwood HS for another competition. The Competitive season is upon us; you won’t want to miss seeing the Giants on the field.

Upcoming events:
September 14, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
September 15, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
September 19, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
September 20, Full Band 3:30 to 6 pm
September 21, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

September 17, Clermont Parade, 11 am
September 17, Red Pride Marching Invitational, 9:43 pm

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Picnic, Band Olympics, and Bonfire

The band members spend time having fun. After practice on August 27, found the members of the Marching Giants taking time out from their busy practice schedule to have some much earned fun time. The band members were treated to a cookout which included hot dogs or peanut butter and jelly, chips, cookies and other sweets, and drinks served up by the Band Boosters. Once dinner was finished, the members where gathered to being the Band Olympics. Many thanks go to Dave Cole, assistant band director, for putting together all the games the member participated in. Games included, a donut eating contest, cotton ball race, find the gum in the whipped cream, pass the pretzel, and fill a pitcher with unsweetened Kool-aid ® . The members were grouped by their sections for the competition. For the pretzel pass, the members passed twisted pretzels by pretzel stick from one member to the other; the section with the most pretzels in the pan won a point. Each game was scored this way. The cotton ball race found the members with Vaseline® on their faces, after which, the members would race to a table where a plate of cotton balls was awaiting them, they would stick their face into the cotton balls hoping to attach as many to their face as possible, than they would race to the other end where another table held a bucket for the cotton balls to be placed in. The members had an exciting time participating in the Olympic Games. After the games were completed and the Alto Saxophones where crowned the winning section, the members moved to the bonfire. 80+ hours went into building the bon fire; and thanks go to the members of the crew that put in those hours. Members enjoyed the flames of the fire as the shared friendship between the new members and the veterans.

The Marching Giants take away memories of food, fun, and friendship from this wonderful evening. Thanks to everyone that made this time a great success!

Your next chance to see the Marching Giants on the field will be Friday, September 9, when the Warren Central Warriors take on the Ben Davis Giants. You won’t want to miss the half-time show to see that “The Tables Have Turned”.

Upcoming events:
  September 7, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  September 7, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  September 8, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  September 10, Full Band, 8 am to 5 pm
  September 12, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  September 13, Full Band 8 am to 5 pm
  September 14, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

  September 9, Giants Stadium, call time 5 pm