Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Picnic, Band Olympics, and Bonfire

The band members spend time having fun. After practice on August 27, found the members of the Marching Giants taking time out from their busy practice schedule to have some much earned fun time. The band members were treated to a cookout which included hot dogs or peanut butter and jelly, chips, cookies and other sweets, and drinks served up by the Band Boosters. Once dinner was finished, the members where gathered to being the Band Olympics. Many thanks go to Dave Cole, assistant band director, for putting together all the games the member participated in. Games included, a donut eating contest, cotton ball race, find the gum in the whipped cream, pass the pretzel, and fill a pitcher with unsweetened Kool-aid ® . The members were grouped by their sections for the competition. For the pretzel pass, the members passed twisted pretzels by pretzel stick from one member to the other; the section with the most pretzels in the pan won a point. Each game was scored this way. The cotton ball race found the members with Vaseline® on their faces, after which, the members would race to a table where a plate of cotton balls was awaiting them, they would stick their face into the cotton balls hoping to attach as many to their face as possible, than they would race to the other end where another table held a bucket for the cotton balls to be placed in. The members had an exciting time participating in the Olympic Games. After the games were completed and the Alto Saxophones where crowned the winning section, the members moved to the bonfire. 80+ hours went into building the bon fire; and thanks go to the members of the crew that put in those hours. Members enjoyed the flames of the fire as the shared friendship between the new members and the veterans.

The Marching Giants take away memories of food, fun, and friendship from this wonderful evening. Thanks to everyone that made this time a great success!

Your next chance to see the Marching Giants on the field will be Friday, September 9, when the Warren Central Warriors take on the Ben Davis Giants. You won’t want to miss the half-time show to see that “The Tables Have Turned”.

Upcoming events:
  September 7, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  September 7, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  September 8, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  September 10, Full Band, 8 am to 5 pm
  September 12, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  September 13, Full Band 8 am to 5 pm
  September 14, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

  September 9, Giants Stadium, call time 5 pm

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