Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Marching Giants Finish out Season 16th in the Nation

The Marching Giants finish out their season with several events over the past week. On Thursday, November 10th, they traveled to Lucas Oil Stadium for Music for All’s Bands of America (BOA) Grand National preliminary competition. 92-Bands from across the United States took the field over two days in hopes of making it as one of the top 33 bands to move on to semi-finals. Ben Davis took the field at 7:30 pm for preliminary competition as many fans packed the seats to support the Marching Giants. Once the performance was finished, many spectators stated this was the Marching Giants best performance of the season; they felt the Band would make it to semi-finals; but, would have to wait until Friday evening for results.

On Friday evening, the Marching Giants return to Lucas Oil Stadium to support Tom Barnett as he was presented with the 2011 Patrick John Hughes Parent / Booster Award presented by Music for All. The Marching Giants all wore t-shirts with the Band logo on the front and “Thank You Tom” on the back. Tom has been involved with the Marching Giants since 1973. He currently is the crew chief, but has held other positions over the years, including booster club president and contest host. Tom has seen the Marching Giants in some of the most prestigious parades and the inauguration of President Ronald Reagan. With his years of service and dedication to the Band program, it is fitting Tom received this prestigious award. “Thank You, Tom!” for all you do for the Marching Giants. After Tom received his award, the Marching Giants found out they be one of the 33 bands that would be moving on to semi-finals competition on Saturday with a performance time of 9:45 am.

With a 9:45 am performance time, the Marching Giants returned to the HS at 5:00 am. The members practiced one final time before putting on their uniforms and loading their eight buses to return to Lucas Oil Stadium. Many fans had returned to see their Tables Have Turned show. The Marching Giants took the field to give it their all. And, that they did! The Directors, parents, booster, fans from other schools, commented on how well they had performed. But, yet again, they would have to wait until after 5:00 pm to see if their show was one of the top 12 scores allowing them to move on to finals that evening. The members returned to the HS to have some lunch and get some rest before returning to learn which 12 bands were moving forward.

The Ben Davis Marching Giants tied for 16th place in semi-finals on Saturday. The members would not be moving on to finals; but did not have a reason to be disappointed. They had accomplished much over this marching season; improving places at school competitions, ISSMA State, and BOA Super Regional and Grand Nationals. Everyone in the Community is very proud of each and every one of the members. As John Papandria, director of bands, states before every competition, “There have been many before us and there will be many after us. We’re here today and that’s what’s important. Because we are…BEN DAVIS!”

Upcoming events:
Craft Fair:
November 19, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Ninth Grade Center Cafeteria

Practice:November 22, ToR Rehearsal, 3:30 to 6 pm

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Marching Giants Finish 6th at BOA Super Regional

With ISSMA competition behind the Marching Giants, they prepared for Bands of America (BOA) Indianapolis Super Regional performance on Saturday, November 5. “BOA Super Regionals attract bands from across the nation and make each venue a destination for these world class high school band events, second only to the Grand Nationals experience.

Super Regionals offer a positively life-changing fall marching band experience for band members, band directors, families and enthusiasts.” ( 31 bands from six states entered into the preliminary competition in hopes of being one of the top 12 scoring bands to move onto finals competition in the evening. In preliminary competition, BOA awards 1st through 3rd place to bands in Class A, AA, AAA, and AAAA divisions. If a band wins their division; but, is not one of the top scoring bands, they perform in exhibition.

The Marching Giants took the field at 2:00 pm, Saturday, to full stands. Attendees from other schools across the nation were excited to see Ben Davis; and were not disappointed by their performance. The directors added to the show a new ending; it now includes the members forming three arrows pointing at a turning table. Since the title of the show is “The Tables Have Turned” the closure accentuates the turning tables. The members received a standing ovation from the crowd. They performed their best; which is what they set out to do. Since awards did not take place until 4:45, the Marching Giants continued the tradition of having their picture taken at the Indiana War Memorial; then returned to Lucas Oil Stadium for preliminary results. Participation awards were presented to each band; followed by Class awards. Finally, the top 12 bands were announced. Ben Davis was the third band to be announced that they had made it into finals competition with a performance time of 10:15 pm. With time to spare, the members loaded the buses and headed to Circle Centre Mall for dinner. At 10:15, with little seating room in the stands, the Marching Giants took the field for finals performance. Knowing they needed to perform at their best, they gave the crowd a great performance. Once again, they received a standing ovation. Since they were the next to the last band to perform, they members line-up with the other bands in the tunnels of Lucas Oil Stadium for full retreat. After the last band finished, all 12 bands returned to the field; to cover from end zone to end zone. With the colorful band and guard uniforms, it looked like a rainbow has formed on the field. Places are announced and the Marching Giants finish in sixth place for their “Tables Have Turned” show. Congratulations for an amazing two performances at BOA Super Regional!

Next week the Marching Giants participate in BOA Grand Nationals; a three day event at Lucas Oil Stadium. Their preliminary perform will be Thursday, November 10, at 7:30 pm. On Friday evening, BOA announces the top 30 bands that will perform in semi-finals on Saturday with finals scheduled for Saturday evening. On Friday evening, BOA will be honoring one of the Ben Davis Marching Giants Crew Members; Tom Barnett will be honored for his 30+ years of service to the Marching Giants as Crew Chief. Tom’s dedication to the marching members, staff and Boosters is second to none. We are all honored to have Tom present at all Marching Giants practices, activities, and performances.

Upcoming events:
     November 9, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm

     November 10, BOA Grand Nationals, 7:30 pm

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ben Davis Marching Giants Finish Strong in State Competition

ISSMA State Finals were held on Saturday, October 29, at Lucas Oil Stadium; and Your Marching Giants were one of ten bands in Class A to compete for the State Championship. The Marching Giants began their day at section breakfast where loving and caring parents provided a hardy amount of food to get their morning started. Once all the members were fed; they watched past performances of the Marching Giants to get inspired for their competition ahead. After thanking their host and parents, everyone returned to the school at noon ready to go.

Class A performances are the last class of the evening; so the Marching Giants had time to get practice in and final changes before heading to Lucas Oil Stadium. The Marching Giants have many community fans that showed their support along the bus route. The Band members want to give a BIG THANK YOU to the Wayne Township Fire and Police Departments for escorting them all the way to Lucas Oil Stadium. The kids enjoyed waving to all the members of these two awesome departments for showing their support of the Marching Giants.

Once at the Stadium, the members conduct circles. Each section gathers and holds hands forming a circle; they focus on their accomplishments; and encourage each other for the performance at hand. Ben Davis was the eighth band to perform Saturday night. Once the bands finish with their performance, the Indiana Dairy Association provides a pint of milk to each member; because, “Winners Drink Milk”. The Marching Giants were treated to their share while the last two bands performed. Once all bands finish, every member from all ten bands line the field from field goal to field goal. It is an amazing and colorful sight to see. Trophies are awarded starting with tenth place. As the awards continue to first place, the Marching Giants Fans become more and more excited as the other bands are presented with their trophies. The crowd erupted into screams and whoops and hollers as The Marching Bands are announced as the fourth place winners! Everyone in the band was excited to have finished as one of the top five bands in the State of Indiana. The Marching Giants have worked very hard this season, put in many hours, and made many changes along the way since July. This is what they work for in the month of October. Giving it their all and being rewarded for their dedication and commitment to the Band. John Papandria, director of bands, said, “Today is a Great Day to be a Marching Giant! Congratulations on fourth in the State!” Congratulations Marching Giants on a job well done!

Congratulations to all the top ten bands in Indiana, they are, in placement order: Homestead HS, Ft. Wayne, Avon HS, Carmel HS, Ben Davis HS, Center Grove HS, Lawrence Central HS, Penn HS, Mishawaka, Lake Central HS, St. John, Castle HS, Newburgh, Franklin Central HS.

But, the Marching Giants aren’t done yet…They will compete this Saturday in Bands of America Super Regional Competition. Once again, the Band will travel to Lucas Oil Stadium for this competition; they will step onto the field at 2:00 pm. See you in the stands!

Upcoming events:
November 2, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 3, Full Band, 5 to 9 pm
November 4, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 7, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 8, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm

November 5, BOA Super Regional, 2 pm