Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ben Davis Marching Giants Finish Strong in State Competition

ISSMA State Finals were held on Saturday, October 29, at Lucas Oil Stadium; and Your Marching Giants were one of ten bands in Class A to compete for the State Championship. The Marching Giants began their day at section breakfast where loving and caring parents provided a hardy amount of food to get their morning started. Once all the members were fed; they watched past performances of the Marching Giants to get inspired for their competition ahead. After thanking their host and parents, everyone returned to the school at noon ready to go.

Class A performances are the last class of the evening; so the Marching Giants had time to get practice in and final changes before heading to Lucas Oil Stadium. The Marching Giants have many community fans that showed their support along the bus route. The Band members want to give a BIG THANK YOU to the Wayne Township Fire and Police Departments for escorting them all the way to Lucas Oil Stadium. The kids enjoyed waving to all the members of these two awesome departments for showing their support of the Marching Giants.

Once at the Stadium, the members conduct circles. Each section gathers and holds hands forming a circle; they focus on their accomplishments; and encourage each other for the performance at hand. Ben Davis was the eighth band to perform Saturday night. Once the bands finish with their performance, the Indiana Dairy Association provides a pint of milk to each member; because, “Winners Drink Milk”. The Marching Giants were treated to their share while the last two bands performed. Once all bands finish, every member from all ten bands line the field from field goal to field goal. It is an amazing and colorful sight to see. Trophies are awarded starting with tenth place. As the awards continue to first place, the Marching Giants Fans become more and more excited as the other bands are presented with their trophies. The crowd erupted into screams and whoops and hollers as The Marching Bands are announced as the fourth place winners! Everyone in the band was excited to have finished as one of the top five bands in the State of Indiana. The Marching Giants have worked very hard this season, put in many hours, and made many changes along the way since July. This is what they work for in the month of October. Giving it their all and being rewarded for their dedication and commitment to the Band. John Papandria, director of bands, said, “Today is a Great Day to be a Marching Giant! Congratulations on fourth in the State!” Congratulations Marching Giants on a job well done!

Congratulations to all the top ten bands in Indiana, they are, in placement order: Homestead HS, Ft. Wayne, Avon HS, Carmel HS, Ben Davis HS, Center Grove HS, Lawrence Central HS, Penn HS, Mishawaka, Lake Central HS, St. John, Castle HS, Newburgh, Franklin Central HS.

But, the Marching Giants aren’t done yet…They will compete this Saturday in Bands of America Super Regional Competition. Once again, the Band will travel to Lucas Oil Stadium for this competition; they will step onto the field at 2:00 pm. See you in the stands!

Upcoming events:
November 2, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 3, Full Band, 5 to 9 pm
November 4, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 7, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 8, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm

November 5, BOA Super Regional, 2 pm

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