Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Marching Giants Finish out Season 16th in the Nation

The Marching Giants finish out their season with several events over the past week. On Thursday, November 10th, they traveled to Lucas Oil Stadium for Music for All’s Bands of America (BOA) Grand National preliminary competition. 92-Bands from across the United States took the field over two days in hopes of making it as one of the top 33 bands to move on to semi-finals. Ben Davis took the field at 7:30 pm for preliminary competition as many fans packed the seats to support the Marching Giants. Once the performance was finished, many spectators stated this was the Marching Giants best performance of the season; they felt the Band would make it to semi-finals; but, would have to wait until Friday evening for results.

On Friday evening, the Marching Giants return to Lucas Oil Stadium to support Tom Barnett as he was presented with the 2011 Patrick John Hughes Parent / Booster Award presented by Music for All. The Marching Giants all wore t-shirts with the Band logo on the front and “Thank You Tom” on the back. Tom has been involved with the Marching Giants since 1973. He currently is the crew chief, but has held other positions over the years, including booster club president and contest host. Tom has seen the Marching Giants in some of the most prestigious parades and the inauguration of President Ronald Reagan. With his years of service and dedication to the Band program, it is fitting Tom received this prestigious award. “Thank You, Tom!” for all you do for the Marching Giants. After Tom received his award, the Marching Giants found out they be one of the 33 bands that would be moving on to semi-finals competition on Saturday with a performance time of 9:45 am.

With a 9:45 am performance time, the Marching Giants returned to the HS at 5:00 am. The members practiced one final time before putting on their uniforms and loading their eight buses to return to Lucas Oil Stadium. Many fans had returned to see their Tables Have Turned show. The Marching Giants took the field to give it their all. And, that they did! The Directors, parents, booster, fans from other schools, commented on how well they had performed. But, yet again, they would have to wait until after 5:00 pm to see if their show was one of the top 12 scores allowing them to move on to finals that evening. The members returned to the HS to have some lunch and get some rest before returning to learn which 12 bands were moving forward.

The Ben Davis Marching Giants tied for 16th place in semi-finals on Saturday. The members would not be moving on to finals; but did not have a reason to be disappointed. They had accomplished much over this marching season; improving places at school competitions, ISSMA State, and BOA Super Regional and Grand Nationals. Everyone in the Community is very proud of each and every one of the members. As John Papandria, director of bands, states before every competition, “There have been many before us and there will be many after us. We’re here today and that’s what’s important. Because we are…BEN DAVIS!”

Upcoming events:
Craft Fair:
November 19, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Ninth Grade Center Cafeteria

Practice:November 22, ToR Rehearsal, 3:30 to 6 pm

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Marching Giants Finish 6th at BOA Super Regional

With ISSMA competition behind the Marching Giants, they prepared for Bands of America (BOA) Indianapolis Super Regional performance on Saturday, November 5. “BOA Super Regionals attract bands from across the nation and make each venue a destination for these world class high school band events, second only to the Grand Nationals experience.

Super Regionals offer a positively life-changing fall marching band experience for band members, band directors, families and enthusiasts.” ( 31 bands from six states entered into the preliminary competition in hopes of being one of the top 12 scoring bands to move onto finals competition in the evening. In preliminary competition, BOA awards 1st through 3rd place to bands in Class A, AA, AAA, and AAAA divisions. If a band wins their division; but, is not one of the top scoring bands, they perform in exhibition.

The Marching Giants took the field at 2:00 pm, Saturday, to full stands. Attendees from other schools across the nation were excited to see Ben Davis; and were not disappointed by their performance. The directors added to the show a new ending; it now includes the members forming three arrows pointing at a turning table. Since the title of the show is “The Tables Have Turned” the closure accentuates the turning tables. The members received a standing ovation from the crowd. They performed their best; which is what they set out to do. Since awards did not take place until 4:45, the Marching Giants continued the tradition of having their picture taken at the Indiana War Memorial; then returned to Lucas Oil Stadium for preliminary results. Participation awards were presented to each band; followed by Class awards. Finally, the top 12 bands were announced. Ben Davis was the third band to be announced that they had made it into finals competition with a performance time of 10:15 pm. With time to spare, the members loaded the buses and headed to Circle Centre Mall for dinner. At 10:15, with little seating room in the stands, the Marching Giants took the field for finals performance. Knowing they needed to perform at their best, they gave the crowd a great performance. Once again, they received a standing ovation. Since they were the next to the last band to perform, they members line-up with the other bands in the tunnels of Lucas Oil Stadium for full retreat. After the last band finished, all 12 bands returned to the field; to cover from end zone to end zone. With the colorful band and guard uniforms, it looked like a rainbow has formed on the field. Places are announced and the Marching Giants finish in sixth place for their “Tables Have Turned” show. Congratulations for an amazing two performances at BOA Super Regional!

Next week the Marching Giants participate in BOA Grand Nationals; a three day event at Lucas Oil Stadium. Their preliminary perform will be Thursday, November 10, at 7:30 pm. On Friday evening, BOA announces the top 30 bands that will perform in semi-finals on Saturday with finals scheduled for Saturday evening. On Friday evening, BOA will be honoring one of the Ben Davis Marching Giants Crew Members; Tom Barnett will be honored for his 30+ years of service to the Marching Giants as Crew Chief. Tom’s dedication to the marching members, staff and Boosters is second to none. We are all honored to have Tom present at all Marching Giants practices, activities, and performances.

Upcoming events:
     November 9, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm

     November 10, BOA Grand Nationals, 7:30 pm

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ben Davis Marching Giants Finish Strong in State Competition

ISSMA State Finals were held on Saturday, October 29, at Lucas Oil Stadium; and Your Marching Giants were one of ten bands in Class A to compete for the State Championship. The Marching Giants began their day at section breakfast where loving and caring parents provided a hardy amount of food to get their morning started. Once all the members were fed; they watched past performances of the Marching Giants to get inspired for their competition ahead. After thanking their host and parents, everyone returned to the school at noon ready to go.

Class A performances are the last class of the evening; so the Marching Giants had time to get practice in and final changes before heading to Lucas Oil Stadium. The Marching Giants have many community fans that showed their support along the bus route. The Band members want to give a BIG THANK YOU to the Wayne Township Fire and Police Departments for escorting them all the way to Lucas Oil Stadium. The kids enjoyed waving to all the members of these two awesome departments for showing their support of the Marching Giants.

Once at the Stadium, the members conduct circles. Each section gathers and holds hands forming a circle; they focus on their accomplishments; and encourage each other for the performance at hand. Ben Davis was the eighth band to perform Saturday night. Once the bands finish with their performance, the Indiana Dairy Association provides a pint of milk to each member; because, “Winners Drink Milk”. The Marching Giants were treated to their share while the last two bands performed. Once all bands finish, every member from all ten bands line the field from field goal to field goal. It is an amazing and colorful sight to see. Trophies are awarded starting with tenth place. As the awards continue to first place, the Marching Giants Fans become more and more excited as the other bands are presented with their trophies. The crowd erupted into screams and whoops and hollers as The Marching Bands are announced as the fourth place winners! Everyone in the band was excited to have finished as one of the top five bands in the State of Indiana. The Marching Giants have worked very hard this season, put in many hours, and made many changes along the way since July. This is what they work for in the month of October. Giving it their all and being rewarded for their dedication and commitment to the Band. John Papandria, director of bands, said, “Today is a Great Day to be a Marching Giant! Congratulations on fourth in the State!” Congratulations Marching Giants on a job well done!

Congratulations to all the top ten bands in Indiana, they are, in placement order: Homestead HS, Ft. Wayne, Avon HS, Carmel HS, Ben Davis HS, Center Grove HS, Lawrence Central HS, Penn HS, Mishawaka, Lake Central HS, St. John, Castle HS, Newburgh, Franklin Central HS.

But, the Marching Giants aren’t done yet…They will compete this Saturday in Bands of America Super Regional Competition. Once again, the Band will travel to Lucas Oil Stadium for this competition; they will step onto the field at 2:00 pm. See you in the stands!

Upcoming events:
November 2, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 3, Full Band, 5 to 9 pm
November 4, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 7, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
November 8, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm

November 5, BOA Super Regional, 2 pm

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ben Davis Marching Giants to Compete in ISSMA State Competition

ISSMA Semi-State competition was held on Saturday, October 22, in four locations around the state. The Marching Giants would not travel this week because Class A competition was held at Ben Davis HS. Before competing at Semi-State, the Marching Giants had a special guest visit the high school. Don Barrett, composer, wrote the music for the Marching Giants show “The Tables Have Turned”. Don has Indiana connections; he graduated from Purdue University in 1992. ( Don watched the band practice Wednesday and Thursday last week at the school and the Colts Complex. As he watched and listened, he made adjustments to the score as members improved on their music for the show.

On Saturday, the top 20 bands in the state arrived at Ben Davis HS throughout the day to perform their show in hopes of being one of the top 10 bands. Ben Davis was the fifth band to perform Saturday to stands full of excited fans from one end of the stadium to the other. As the Marching Giants took the field, the crowd erupts into cheers for their “hometown” band. It was apparent the tweaks Don Barrett had helped with, during the past week, could be heard during their performance. The Marching Giants gave their best performance and could feel proud of their presentation. Since they were the fifth band to perform, the Marching Giants would have to wait approximately four hours before finding out if they would move on to State.

Once all 20 bands had presented their shows to the audience, awards were handed out. Each band received a trophy for making it in to Semi-State competition. However, only the top 10 bands, based on the six judge’s scores, can move on to State competition. Awards are presented to the bands in performance order; since Ben Davis performed fifth, they would not have to wait long to see if they had qualified. They would be the third band to make it into next weekend’s competition. Gigi Caballos, head drum major, accepted the plaque noting the Marching Giants is a ISSMA State Finalist. Congratulations on a job well done! Congratulations to all 10 bands moving on, they are (in performance order); Lawrence Central, Avon, Ben Davis, Center Grove, Carmel, Homestead, Franklin Central, Castle, Lake Central, and Penn. Next stop: Lucas Oil Stadium on Saturday, October 29. Ben Davis Marching Giants perform at 9:11 pm. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $18.00 for students. Come out and support YOUR Marching Giants.

Please Note: New Escort Route, The Band will leave Ben Davis at 6:30, Saturday and take the following route: Girls School to 10th Street, 10th Street to High School, High School to Sam Jones Express Way, Sam Jones Express Way to Interstate 70. Come cheer on the Marching Giants as they make their way to Lucas Oil Stadium.

Upcoming events:
      October 26, No Practice
      October 27, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
      October 28, Full Band, 3:30 to 5:30 pm
      November 1, Full Band, 3:30 to 6:00 pm
      November 2, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm

      October 29, ISSMA State Competition at Lucas Oil Stadium, 9:11 pm
      November 1, Lynhurst Concert, Lynhurst 7th and 8th Grade Center, 7:00 pm

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ben Davis Continues to March toward Their Goal

ISSMA Regional competition was held on Saturday, October 15, in four locations around the state. The Marching Giants traveled to Center Grove HS in Greenwood. Competition consisted of 16 Class A schools from around the state at Center Grove. The bands compete for a Gold rating and also working to score in the top 10 schools to move on to Semi-State. The Marching Giants started their day with section breakfast followed by a morning practice at Ben Davis. Once all the equipment was loaded, lunch finished, and all members dressed in uniform, John Papandria, director of bands, speaks to the members before loading eight buses to head south to Center Grove HS. Ben Davis was the sixth school to compete Saturday evening. It was a very windy day, but the wind could not stop the Marching Giants from giving the audience a great performance. Cheers and a standing ovation were given to the Marching Giants when they finished their show.

Since 10 other bands still had to perform before awards were given out, the Marching Giants to a trip to the Greenwood Mall for dinner and a little down time. After dinner, the members return to Center Grove for awards. All 16 bands can earn a Gold rating; but the top 10 scores move on to Semi-State. Ratings and announcement of the Semi-State finalist are announced in performance order. The bands scores or placing are not announced during ISSMA competition. The directors of the schools are given this information to be used for educational purposes only. Only during State competition are the scores and places announced. The announcer lets the crowd know Ben Davis has receives a Gold rating; the presenter hands Gigi Caballos, head drum major, a trophy for this rating. Once all bands find out their rating, the top 10 bands are announced. In performance order, the following bands found they would be attending Semi-State next weekend at Ben Davis HS. Congratulations to Avon, Center Grove, Carmel, Ben Davis, Warren Central, Franklin Central, Columbus North, Castle, Brownsburg, and Lawrence Central. 10 schools from the Chesterton competition site will be at Ben Davis as well. Those 10 schools, in performance order, are Penn, Homestead, Snider, LaPorte, Northrop, Pike, Lake Central, Chesteron, Carroll, and Lafayette Jefferson.

At Semi-State 10 of the 20 bands listed above will move on to State competition held at Lucas Oil Stadium on Saturday, October 29. Since the competition is at “Our House” Saturday, come support your Marching Giants as they continue their quest to State. Ben Davis performs at 1:52 pm.

Upcoming events:
    October 19, Full Band, 5:00 to 8:00 pm
    October 20, No Rehearsal – Enjoy Fall Break
    October 21, Full Band, 8:00 to 11:00 am, 1:00 to 4:30 pm
    October 22, Full Band, All Day
    October25, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm

    October 22, ISSMA Semi-State Competition at Ben Davis HS, 1:52 pm

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Marching Giants Host Preview of Champions

This past Saturday, found the Marching Giants Hosting their own competition at Ben Davis HS. Nineteen schools from across Indiana arrived throughout the day on the Ben Davis campus to perform in the Preview of Champions, sponsored by Qdoba Restaurants. The schools are divided into four groups consisting of Class A, B, C, and D. Each class is determined by school size; not the size of the band. Class D is the smallest group, the student enrollment is 1 – 525, Class C has a student enrollment of 526 – 950, Class B will have a student enrollment of 951 – 1789, and the largest class, Class A, will have student enrollment of 1790 and up. During the Preview of Champions, Class D and C performed, each class had three schools competing for the Championship title. Congratulations to Class D Champion, Springs Valley from French Lick, IN, Class C Champion was Edgewood, from Ellettsville, IN. After a break of about an hour, Class B took the field. This class had seven schools vying for first place. All bands give a great performance; but, Goshen HS, from Goshen, IN, took the first place award. Class A bands were up next. This class, too, had seven bands competing for that first place trophy. Class A Champion was Lawrence North, from Indianapolis, IN. Ben Davis also presents a Grand Champion trophy. All bands in all classes competed for this coveted award. Congratulations go to Goshen HS from Class B. Their winning score was 82.60.

Ben Davis Marching Giants presented their show “The Tables Have Turned”, in exhibition, to packed stands. Even though the Marching Giants were not competing, the directors will still receive scores and commentary from the judges to help the members improve on their performance for future shows. The show on Saturday was awesome. The members presented their show as if they were competing. This was their best performance to date! Thanks to all students, staff and parents for making the Preview of Champions a huge success. This would not have been possible without all our wonderful volunteers.

Next week the Marching Giants continue their path to State competition as they travel to Center Grove HS for ISSMA Regional competition; performance time is 6:22 pm. But, if you are at the HS for Carmel vs Ben Davis football game, you can see the show during half-time. This is the final home game of the season and senior night. The band will honor all our seniors this evening for their years of dedication to the program. If you haven’t seen their show, stop by Friday or Saturday, you won’t be disappointed.

Upcoming events:
  October 12, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  October 13, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  October 15, Full Band, 8:00 to 11:30, 1:00 to 3:30
  October 17, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  October18, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
  October 19, Full Band, 6 to 9 pm

  October 14, Carmel vs Ben Davis, call time 5 pm
  October 15, ISSMA Regional Competition at Center Grove HS, 6:22 pm

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Marching Giants Start Their Way to State

168 Bands consisting of 16,000 students from across Indiana participated in ISSMA District on Saturday, October 1. District is the first competition for all bands trying to make it to Lucas Oil Stadium on October 29, for State competition. Among the 168 bands was the Ben Davis Marching Giants.

The members started their day at 8:00 am for morning practice. They worked on final preparation before finishing up their morning around 11:15 am. After loading equipment, they were treated to pizza provided by the band and served up by Band Boosters. The members are grateful for the support they receive. The day would find the Marching Giants traveling only a short distance to Plainfield HS. Arriving at the competition site does not mean the members march right onto the field and perform. All competitions require the bands to go through physical and music warm-ups. Physical warm-up allows the members to work on body movement only. No music is played or the band will receive a penalty. Once physical warm-up is complete the band moves onto Music warm-up. This allows the band to practice all or parts of their music before competition. At 3:59 pm, the Marching Giants move into the end zone to prepare for the start of their show. As the Band takes position, the crowd starts spelling out “BEN DAVIS” followed by screams and cheers. The Marching Giants performed their show “The Tables Have Turned”. This week’s performance find the color guard added more flags and band members added additional movement extending the show from last week. Awards at District are different from school competitions; bands must receive a Gold rating to move on to Regional competition. The Marching Giants accomplished what they set out to do. They received a Gold rating for their performance and will compete in Regional competition at Center Grove HS on October 15. Congratulations Marching Giants!

Before Regional competition, the Marching Giants will be present for half-time during the Lawrence North vs Ben Davis football game; and they will host their own competition the “Preview of Champions” on Saturday, October 8. Nineteen bands from around the state will converge on the Ben Davis campus to compete for 1st place in their class. The Marching Giants will present their show in exhibition to all present. Come support your Marching Giants as they show the community that “The Tables Have Turned”.

Upcoming events:
  October 5, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  October 6, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  October 10, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  October11, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
  October 12, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

October 7, Lawrence North vs Ben Davis, call time 5 pm
October 8, Exhibition at the Preview of Champions Invitational

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Marching Giants Finish 2nd in Their 2nd Competition

The Marching Giants, once again, had a busy weekend. It started with being the Band of the week for WTHR, channel 13, on Friday, September 23. Sports announcer, Dave Calabro, Ben Davis graduate, was present to see the Band practice before their homecoming game and pass out Operation Football shirts. Later that evening, the Marching Giants were present for the football game between Terre Haute South and Ben Davis. The members presented their competition show, “The Tables Have Turned” during half-time. The fans in the stands found the Band had added additional charts to their show causing the fans to start cheering before the show was completed. To the fans surprise, the Band had added an additional 1:09 minutes to their show from two weeks ago when they had seen them last. Additional body work, flags, and music were added to the performance making for an exciting presentation to the fans. The Marching Giants were released after half-time do get some rest before their busy Saturday.

Saturday, September 24, would bring the members back to the HS for practice before competing in the Meijer Greenwood Band Invitational at Greenwood HS. The members worked more on the additional time they had added to their show and felt good about their efforts. Before leaving for Greenwood, the members were treated to a Subway® dinner served up by Band Boosters. Thanks to all that helped. Once dinner was finished, the members dressed in uniform and loaded the buses; but not before a pep talk from John Papandria, director of bands. Eight buses, packed full of Marching Giants, head south to Greenwood; but, before they arrive, the rain moved in. The Marching Giants are held on the buses to keep their instruments and uniforms dry. The organizers of the event, decided to move Class A bands to a standstill performance. This means the Band would not march or perform in the stadium; but in the gymnasium. By being in the gym, the members would not march; they would play their music and “march” in place. The guard would be able to spin their flags and rifles but not move around. Since a standstill performance had not been done by Ben Davis in over 10 years, most in the audience had not experienced this type of competition. Many in the stands commented that the performance was very exciting to see. The Band was still able to bring effects to their show. When awards were presented, The Marching Giants were awarded caption awards for best Auxiliary and General Effect. Placing awards were presented next and Ben Davis received a 2nd place finish for their standstill performance. Congratulations to the Marching Giants!

Saturday, October 1, will find the Marching Giants beginning their start to State. They will compete in ISSMA District competition at Plainfield HS. Make sure you are in the stands when the Marching Giants take the field at 3:59 pm. The tables will be turning once again; will you be there to cheer them on?

Upcoming events:
  September 28, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  September 29, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  October 3, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  October 4, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
  October 5, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

  October 1, ISSMA District Contest, 3:59 pm

  October 4, Band Booster Meeting, 7:00 pm

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Marching Giants Compete in Their 1st Competition

Saturday, September 17, found the Marching Giants in a parade, enjoying a cookout, and their first competition. The members arrived at Ben Davis HS at 9:00 am for a morning practice before leaving for Clermont for the Old Fashion Days Parade. The Marching Giants is the only band to participate in the event. With the streets lined with people, the Band marched down Rockville Road while playing “Stars and Stripes Forever”. From young to old, everyone enjoyed seeing the Band along the route. Once the parade was complete, the members loaded their buses and headed back to the high school. After their lunch break, the members returned for afternoon practice.

After practice the Band Boosters as they cooked up and served hamburgers and hot dogs for the kids to enjoy before leaving for the Red Pride Marching Invitational in Plainfield; their first competition of the season. Many thanks go to the Band Boosters for feeding the kids. The Band arrived at Plainfield around 7:00 pm but did not perform until 9:43 pm. They must go through warm-ups before performing. Ben Davis participates in Class A competition which found seven bands in the class on Saturday. Performing to a packed stadium, the Marching Giants took the field to fans spelling out Ben Davis. Head drum major, Gigi Caballos, salutes the crowd and the show beings. The Marching Giants take the field! Additions to the show finds the tables draped with “curtains” and the guard members’ uniforms are now complete. The guard starts out the show wearing black and white jackets. During the show, they remove the jackets to reveal a colorful uniform which includes a matching headdress. The crowd is impressed by the music, moves; the entire show. The members finish and receive a standing ovation. Two other bands would perform before The Marching Giants would find out what the judges thought of their show. The top three bands would receive trophies; but participation awards would be presented first. Would Ben Davis make the top three? Yes, they did! Warren Central would be presented with 3rd place; Ben Davis received the 2nd place trophy with Avon winning the event. Congratulations to the top 3 schools; but, especially to your Marching Giants on their 2nd place finish for their first competition of the season!

The Marching Giants will be at Giant stadium on Friday, September 23, to present their show for Homecoming and, on Saturday, September 24, they will travel to Greenwood HS for their 2nd competition. The Marching Giants love to perform for their fans; will you be in the stands next week? You won’t want to miss an opportunity to support the Marching Giants!

Upcoming events:
September 21, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
September 22, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
September 26, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
September 27, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
September 28, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

September 23, Homecoming, call time 5:00 pm
September 17, Meijer Greenwood Band Invitational

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Marching Giants Prepare for their First Competition

This coming Saturday, September 17, the Marching Giants will travel to Plainfield HS for the Red Pride Marching Invitational; their first competition of the season. But before the Giants take to the field in Plainfield, they took to Giants Stadium this past Friday. The members presented their show to the “home town” crowd. This could be looked upon as a dress rehearsal, before their competitive season begins, due to the fact; the stands were packed on both sides of the field. The Warren Central Warriors (3-0) came to Ben Davis (3-0) for Friday night football bringing many fans for both teams. With so many people in the stands, the members are able to prepare mentally, as well as, competitively for their show; shaking out any pre-show jitters. During halftime, the Band is not being judged as they will be during a competition; but, they are still able to learn from their presentation and improve in the coming weeks.

During practice the past week, the members were able to add more charts and music to their show. Each week of practice brings them closer to completing their show “The Tables Have Turned”. It takes many hours of practice, on and off the field, to bring together a competitive show. It will show on Saturday as the members have worked very long and very hard for this first competition.

Before the Band makes their trip to Plainfield, you can see them in the Clermont Days Parade in downtown Clermont on Saturday. The parade steps off at 11:00 am, rain or shine. This is always a fun time for young and old. Don’t miss this parade featuring the Marching Giants.

The Marching Giants will have a busy week, next week. On Friday, September 23, the band will be present for Home Coming at Giants Stadium; and, on Saturday, September 24, they will travel to Greenwood HS for another competition. The Competitive season is upon us; you won’t want to miss seeing the Giants on the field.

Upcoming events:
September 14, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
September 15, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
September 19, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
September 20, Full Band 3:30 to 6 pm
September 21, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

September 17, Clermont Parade, 11 am
September 17, Red Pride Marching Invitational, 9:43 pm

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Picnic, Band Olympics, and Bonfire

The band members spend time having fun. After practice on August 27, found the members of the Marching Giants taking time out from their busy practice schedule to have some much earned fun time. The band members were treated to a cookout which included hot dogs or peanut butter and jelly, chips, cookies and other sweets, and drinks served up by the Band Boosters. Once dinner was finished, the members where gathered to being the Band Olympics. Many thanks go to Dave Cole, assistant band director, for putting together all the games the member participated in. Games included, a donut eating contest, cotton ball race, find the gum in the whipped cream, pass the pretzel, and fill a pitcher with unsweetened Kool-aid ® . The members were grouped by their sections for the competition. For the pretzel pass, the members passed twisted pretzels by pretzel stick from one member to the other; the section with the most pretzels in the pan won a point. Each game was scored this way. The cotton ball race found the members with Vaseline® on their faces, after which, the members would race to a table where a plate of cotton balls was awaiting them, they would stick their face into the cotton balls hoping to attach as many to their face as possible, than they would race to the other end where another table held a bucket for the cotton balls to be placed in. The members had an exciting time participating in the Olympic Games. After the games were completed and the Alto Saxophones where crowned the winning section, the members moved to the bonfire. 80+ hours went into building the bon fire; and thanks go to the members of the crew that put in those hours. Members enjoyed the flames of the fire as the shared friendship between the new members and the veterans.

The Marching Giants take away memories of food, fun, and friendship from this wonderful evening. Thanks to everyone that made this time a great success!

Your next chance to see the Marching Giants on the field will be Friday, September 9, when the Warren Central Warriors take on the Ben Davis Giants. You won’t want to miss the half-time show to see that “The Tables Have Turned”.

Upcoming events:
  September 7, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  September 7, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  September 8, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  September 10, Full Band, 8 am to 5 pm
  September 12, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  September 13, Full Band 8 am to 5 pm
  September 14, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm

  September 9, Giants Stadium, call time 5 pm

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Marching Giants Perform During the First Home Game of the Season

On Friday, August 26, Pike vs Ben Davis was the first home football game of the season. Fans were ready for some football because the stands were filled from one end zone to the other. During the half-time show, the Marching Giants performed for the packed stands. The show starts out with low music as the members march onto the field. All is quite from the stands as the announcer welcomes the Marching Giants to perform. The crowd welcomes the Giants with a huge round of applause. The Marching Giants proudly present their show entitled “The Tables Have Turned”. During the week, the members had learned additional charts as they continue to add to their show. It was evident, as the members extend their previous presentation to include additional music, marching, and body movement. When the performance was over, the crowd was on their feet cheering for the incredible performance of their Marching Giants. Each member of the band is grateful for the fans in the stands and appreciates their presents during each of their performances. Thanks to everyone present for their support.

Your next chance to see the Marching Giants on the field will be Friday, September 9, when the Warren Central Warriors take on the Ben Davis Giants. You won’t want to miss the half-time show to see that “The Tables Have Turned”.

Upcoming events:
  August 31, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  September 1, Section Pictures, 3:00 to 5:00 pm
  September 1, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  September 2, Picture Day during School
  September 5, No Practice – Enjoy your Labor Day
  September 6, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
  September 7, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  September 7, Percussion & Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm

  September 6, Booster Meeting, 7 pm

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

12th Annual 2011 Peyback Classic at Lucas Oil Stadium

The 12th Annual Peyback Classic was held at Lucas Oil Stadium on Saturday, August 20. The Marching Giants were present for their half-time show. However, their day began at 8:00 am for the members of the band. The Marching Giants arrived early to school for practice. The band was able to get time on the Ben Davis field to tweak their show. Before leaving for the Stadium, the band members were treated to a pizza dinner served to them by band boosters. Once dinner was finished, the members put on their new uniforms, for the first time this season, loaded the eight buses required to transport the massive band, and rode to Lucas Oil Stadium. The members filed into their seats to support the Giants football team on the field by playing the school fight song and others songs to entertain during time outs. Finally, the time had arrived for the members to leave the stands and prepare themselves for their half-time show.

The members lined themselves in the end zone and waited for the moment to arrive to step out onto the field. The low sounds of the bari sax starts the show as guard members are pushed onto the field atop their tables while the band members march out to take their place on the field. The crowded stands cheer and shout as the band present their show, “The Tables Have Turned”. Flags, swords, and sabers are spun by the guard members while the band plays their original score. Band members move from one side of the field to the other playing and presenting body movement to the beat of the music. The show was a big hit evident of the crowd on their feet cheering and clapping as the members completed their show. The Marching Giants have started the season off on an awesome start!

Your next chance to see the Marching Giants on the field will be Friday, August 26, when the Pike Red Devils take on the Ben Davis Giants at the first home game of the season. Don’t miss the half-time show during this game to see “The Tables Have Turned”.

Upcoming events:
  August 26, Ben Davis Stadium, Call Time, 5 pm
  August 24, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  August 24, Percussion, 6 to 9 pm
  August 25, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30
  August 27, Full Band 8 am to 4:30 pm
  August 27, Picnic, Band Olympics, Bon Fire – 5 to 9 pm
  August 29, Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
  August 30, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
  August 31, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  August 31, Percussion, 6 to 9 pm

Pictured:  Senior, Eddie Moore

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Marching Giants Host Car Wash to Raise Funds for Tournment of Roses Parade

While the Marching Giants will not leave until December for the Tournament of Roses Parade, fundraisers have been underway since last season to help offset the cost of the trip.  This past weekend found the members divided into five different groups and as many different locations for a “Car-Wash-A-Thon”.  The Car-Wash-A-Thon allowed the members to take pledges from family and friends.  Dave Cole, assistant band director, stated, “The idea is to solicit help from not only local donors but out of town family, friends, and fans that may not be able to support our ongoing fundraisers.  100% of the money raised in this event will benefit each member’s individual account.”

The members would like to thank all five locations for allowing the use their facilities.  They are:  K-Mart on Washington Street, M & I Bank at 10th and High School Road, Dairy Queen on Rockville Road, Dog ‘n Suds on West 10th Street, and Auto Zone at Rockville Road and Country Club.  Without their generosity; our car wash would not have been a success.  In all, the members washed 328 cars and 1 semi-truck in five hours. Thank you to all the members, parents, and supporters of the band for a successful day.
Don’t miss the Marching Giants this Saturday, August 20, as they take the field at Lucas Oil Stadium during the half-time show at the annual PeyBack Classic.  Come support the Marching Giants as they present their show “The Tables Have Turned”.

Upcoming events:
        August 20, Lucas Oil Stadium, Kick-off, 7 pm
        August 17, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
        August 17, Percussion, 6 to 9 pm
        August 18, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30
        August 22, Color Guard, 6 to 9 pm
        August 23, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm
        August 24, Brass & Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
        August 24, Percussion, 6 to 9 pm

Photo courtesy of: Dave Cole, assistant band director

Monday, August 8, 2011

Richard Jackson, Tournament of Roses Parade President, Visits Ben Davis

Did you know the Ben Davis Marching Giants will be in the Tournament of Roses Parade on Monday, January 2, 2012? The President of The Tournament of Roses Parade, Richard Jackson and his wife, Sharon, came to Ben Davis on Friday, July 29, during the annual Ice Cream Social, to present John Papandria, band director, and the band members with the Pasadena Tournament of Roses flag; making the invitation to the parade official.

The Tournament of Roses Parade is one of the largest televised parades in the US and is considered to be one of the most prestigious events for a band to march and perform in. Around 70 – 80 bands applied last year to participate in the 2012 parade. Ben Davis was one of 21 bands to be selected from around the world to participate. When selecting a band, Mr. Jackson said, “He looks for musicality, sharp marching skills and showmanship.” Ben Davis proved they had these qualities in the DVD that was sent to the Music Committee last year. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have the final say as to the bands that make it into the parade. This will be Ben Davis’s seventh appearance; more than any other school outside of California. Bands from Canada, Puerto Rico, Japan, Sweden, and the US make up the 21 bands marching in the parade.

While Mr. Jackson was at Ben Davis, he was able to see the first part of the show, entitled “The Tables Have Turned”. The members had practiced the past two weeks to present the first 44 charts of the show. While the two full weeks of practice takes a lot out of the students, they can be proud their efforts and performance last Friday. Job well done!

This exciting season has just started. You have many chances to see the Marching Giants perform their show; you won’t want to miss a one!

Upcoming events:
    August 3, Drum Camp, 1 to 4 pm
    August 3, Full Band, 5 to 9 pm
    August 4, Full Band, 5 to 9 pm
    August 8, Full Band, 1 to 4 pm and 5 to 9 pm
    August 9, Full Band, 3:30 to 6 pm

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Varsity Winter Guard and Winter Percussion compete in State Competition

The Ben Davis Varsity Winter Guard unit traveled to Center Grove HS to compete in State Finals on Saturday, March 19. After being one of 16 schools to advance during preliminary rounds last Saturday, the Varsity unit competed against these top 16 schools from around the state. Ben Davis would be the 10th school in the line-up to compete Saturday afternoon. More changes were incorporated into the show and the crowd’s response was “Wow!”. Guard member Garrett Starzer, drops a silver sphere or “star” above the other members at the start of their show. He moves the sphere around and impresses the crowd with this visual affect. The sphere makes a return at the end of their show as Garrett again displays the “star” above Darian Rodeghier in the final scene.

Full retreat would not begin until 7:30 pm; so, the members were able to relax and enjoy the rest of the units in Classes A, Open and World competition. Full retreat finds all the units present dressed in full uniform, lined-up in the gymnasium in front of the packed stands, for the awards presentation. Scores and places are announced for all units present. Ben Davis finished 8th; and once again, increased their score; by almost 2 points.

The season isn’t over yet, Ben Davis will compete in WGI 2011 Winter Guard World Championships April 7 - 9. Congratulations on the 8th place in the State and Good Luck at WGI.

Winter Percussion also competed in State Finals on Saturday, March 19, at Ben Davis HS finishing 3rd and earning a Bronze Medal in the World Concert Class. Congratulations Winter Percussion. Thanks to all the volunteers who made the event at Ben Davis a huge success!

Upcoming events:
March 23, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Wind Symphony
March 24, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Guard
March 18, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion
March 31 - April 2, 9 am to 5 pm, Winter Guard
April 4 - 5, 6 - 9 pm, Winter Guard
April 6, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Wind Symphony

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Varsity Competes in State Preliminaries

The Ben Davis Varsity Winter Guard unit traveled to Decatur Central HS to compete in State Preliminaries on Saturday, March 12. 28 schools from around the state competed in 4 rounds of competition. Each round had 7 schools competing; with the top four scores moving on to State next weekend. Ben Davis was the first school in round two to compete; and if members of the audience had seen a previous competition, they found the directors had changed the version of the song for this performance. The unit still performed to “Cosmic Love”, by Florence and the Machine; but the beginning of the song was now an acoustic version. The tempo was the same but the version was a little sultrier; that is until the unit gets to the flag feature, and the music returns to the electric version with a faster pace. Judging from the crowd’s reaction, they enjoyed the change in the version of the song. Scores were posted after each round; so, Ben Davis did not have to wait long to find out if they would be moving on to State Finals. Ben Davis came in 2nd with another high score of the season, scoring 80.20; finishing 7th overall. The unit will perform at State Competition on Saturday, April 19, at Center Grove High School at 2:12 pm.

Winter Percussion also competed in State Preliminaries on Saturday, March 12, at Avon HS finishing 4th in their class allowing them to move on to State Finals this Saturday at Ben Davis HS with a performance time of 6:57 pm.

Last week, the Junior Varsity competed in Divisional finals and finished 6th in the State. Congratulations to the Junior Varsity Unit.

Upcoming events:
March 16, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Wind Symphony
March 17, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
March 18, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion
March 21 & 22, 6 to 9 pm, Varsity Guard
March 23, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Wind Symphony

March 19, 6:57 pm, Winter Percussion, State Finals at Ben Davis HS
March 19, 2:12 pm, Varsity Winter Guard, State Final at Center Grove HS

Monday, March 14, 2011

Junior Varsity Finish Season with a Gold Rating

The Ben Davis Junior Varsity Winter Guard unit finishes their season at Mooresville HS during Divisional Finals on Saturday, March 5. Divisional Finals are equivocated to State competition for the Junior Varsity unit. 37 schools from across the state competed for the top five units. Ben Davis would perform at 1:06 pm to many family members in the stands. The guard had a flawless performance; not one drop of the rifles or flags. The members had given their best performance of the season; but they would have to wait until 6:00 pm to find out their results. This would give the members time to see other schools as they presented their shows. At 6:00 pm the members participated in full retreat. Full retreat brings all members from the 37 schools to the floor of the gymnasium for awards. Many of the units carry flowers for this colorful presentation including our own Ben Davis unit. The units are first presented with their ratings. Ben Davis was one of only 12 units to achieve a Gold rating; this meant they were in the top 12 units of the day. Their score had improved by 2 points from their previous show and finished 2nd in their round. They have put in many hours of practice, travel and performance time this 2011 season; and everyone involved with the unit are very proud of their accomplishments and look forward to next season. Thanks for a GREAT season JV.

Varsity Winter Guard travelled to Dayton, OH for WGI Regional’s. Ben Davis finished 2nd in their round on Saturday; but would have to wait until later in the evening to find out if they would be one of the 11 units to advance to finals on Sunday. During the awards ceremony, 24 schools from six states waited for their name to be called. Ben Davis was among the 11 schools moving to finals. The unit would perform at 9:24 am. At the performance on Sunday, parents of the members were in tears as the unit finished their best performance of the season. Later in the afternoon, the Varsity unit found they had finished 9th and had scored their highest marks of the season. Everyone present was very proud of the unit as they continue to improve each week. Next week will find the Varsity unit at Decatur Central HS for State semi-finals. The unit performs at 12:12 pm; stop by and see what the members have been working so hard on this season.

Upcoming events:
March 9, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Wind Symphony
March 10, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
March 14, 6 to 9 pm, Varsity Guard
March 15, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
March 16, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Wind Symphony

March 11 – 12, All-State Band
March 12, Winter Percussion, State Prelims at Avon HS
March 12, Varsity Winter Guard, State Prelims at Decatur Central HS

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Winter Guard heads to Greenfield Central

Rachel, Diana, Jeanlle

Kayla, Garrett, Shelby
Both Winter Guard units headed out to Greenfield Central Saturday, February 26, to compete in their respected Classes. During last week’s practice, guard director, Katie Townsend, tweaked their show; and this would be the first time most in the stands would see the updates to the performance. As the unit takes the floor, the crowd waited in anticipation for the music to begin and show to start. Finally, the announcer calls out, “Is the guard ready?” This is the cue for the Junior Varsity to perform their show “Halo” to the packed gymnasium. As the dancers start the show from the far left corner, Shawndale Walls, begins to spin his flag in the bottom right corner. The crowd screams in excitement. The unit finishes their show with their flag feature; once again getting the crowd excited since all 15 members have flags spinning and flying in the air. During the awards presentation, Class AA is presented with either a Gold, Silver, or Bronze rating. Ben Davis received a Gold rating; only one of six units to achieve this. Overall, the unit finished sixth out of 21 units. Great job!

Later in the evening, the Varsity unit took the floor to perform their show “Star Struck” to music “Cosmic Love” by Florence and the Machine. Varsity had also worked on changes in their show during practice last week. The show begins with all members in a circle around Garrett Statzer rises up in the air. The members dance around and move to the outer perimeter of their tarp. Kayla Coe picks up a rifle and throws it to Garrett where he catches it and toss it in the air bring cheers from the crowd. The show finishes with the members forming a star while laying on the floor with Garrett Statzer and Darin Rodeghier pointing to the skies as the music concludes. The crowd whoops and hollers for this awesome performance. The unit would have to wait until 10:00 pm to find out results. At the awards ceremony, the Varsity received a 5th place finish, out of 16 units, and had improved their score from their previous performance. Congratulations to both units on great performances.

Next week, Varsity will perform at WGI regional in Dayton, OH and Junior Varsity will compete at Mooresville Community HS on Saturday for Divisional Finals.

Congratulations also go out the Ben Davis Winter Percussion on their 2nd place finish at Mt. Vernon HS on Saturday.

Upcoming events:
March 2, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Wind Symphony
March 3, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band
March 3, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
March 4, 6 to 9 pm, JV Guard
March 7, 6 to 9 pm, Varsity Guard
March 8, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
March 9, 3:30 to 4:30 pm, Wind Symphony

Performance / Competition:
March 5, Ball State Jazz Festival
March 5 – 6, Varsity Winter Guard at Dayton, OH WGI
March 5, Junior Varsity Winter Guard at Moorseville

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WGI Regional - Indianapolis

WGI Regional was held at Warren Central HS on Saturday, February 19. Ben Davis Varsity Guard was one of the many units participating in competition; with Ben Davis in the Scholastic A class. For Saturday, 21 units in Scholastic A would be divided into three groups. Ben Davis would perform in the first round and would be the second unit to perform. The top 11 scores would move to finals scheduled for Sunday. Since Ben Davis performed early, they unit returned to the High School to practice before returning to Warren Central to find out if they would be moving forward. Once all units had completed in the three rounds, Ben Davis found they had finished second in their round and sixth overall. This meant they would be returning to Warren Central on Sunday to compete against the other 10 units. Returning to Ben Davis early Sunday morning, the members started their day at 6:00 am to practice before their return to Warren Central for competition. After performing, the members would have to wait until mid-afternoon to find out the results during the awards presentation. This allowed the members to enjoy the other classes as they performed throughout the day. During the awards presentation, Ben Davis was presented with an eighth place finish for their finals performance. Congratulations Varsity for your awesome performances both days.

Next week, both Varsity and Junior Varsity will compete at Greenfield Central HS on Saturday.

Congratulations also go out the Ben Davis Winter Percussion on their first place finish at Indianapolis Percussion Finals on Sunday.

Upcoming events:
February 24, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band
February 24, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
February 25, 6 to 9 pm, JV Guard
February 28, 6 to 9 pm, Varsity Guard

Performance / Competition:
February 26, State Solo and Ensemble
February 26, Winter Guard at Greenfield Central
March 1, 7 pm, Winter Concert in the Auditorium

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Varsity Guard Prepares for their Largest Competition

Saturday, February 19, will find the Varsity Winter Guard at Warren Central HS for their largest competition of the season. The unit will perform at WGI regional. site states: “WGI Sport of the Arts is the world's premier organization producing indoor color guard and percussion ensemble competitions. As a non-profit youth organization, WGI serves as the leading governing body of the winter guard and indoor percussion activities. It is called the Sport of the Arts because it brings music to life through performance in a competitive format. Now entering its 33rd year, the sport continues to evolve and grow. There were over 11,000 participants at the Sport of the Arts World Championships this past April.” BD will compete against 21 units from around the mid-west in the Scholastic A class. Preliminary competition is held on Saturday with finals slated for Sunday. With BDs strong start to the season all supporters are excited for the event.

Upcoming events:
February 17, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band
February 17, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
February 18, 6 to 9 pm, JV Guard
February 21, 6 to 9 pm, Varsity Guard
February 22, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band
February 22, 6 to 8:30 pm, Varsity Guard
February 22, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & JV Guard

Performance / Competition:
February 18, Pep Band, Call time 6:30 pm
February 19, Varsity Guard, WGI, 11:13 am

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Winter Guard Competitive Season has Begun

JV presenting HALO

Varsity presenting Starstruck
Saturday, January 29, found the both Guard units in Danville, IN to compete in their first competition of the season. JV unit would compete against 15 Class AA units from around the state. They presented their show “Halo” to a packed gymnasium. BD was the 13th unit to perform; and received an enthusiastic response from the crowd. Once all units had presented their shows, the awards ceremony was held for Class AA. All units receive a participation certificate; and the top 5 units are recognized with medals to be placed on their 2010 – 2011 plaques. The JV unit finishes in the top 25% with a 4th place finish.

Later in the afternoon, Varsity competed against 11 other units from around the state in Class A competition. The unit would perform their show entitled “Starstruck”. Katie Townsend, guard director, explains the show “draws parallels between the incredible cosmic force of the universe and the all consuming force of love.” This fast paced show keeps the crowd engaged throughout the entire performance. During the awards ceremony, BD was presented with a 2nd place finish just behind Brownsburg by .30 points.

Both units have come out strong this season; and expect to continue to improve as the year progresses. Congratulations to JV and Varsity units!

Upcoming events:
February 3, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band
February 3, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
February 4, 6 to 9 pm, JV Guard
February 7, 6 to 9 pm, Varsity Guard
February 8, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & JV Guard
February 8, 6 to 8:30 pm, Varsity Guard

Performance / Competition:
February 2, Pep Band, Call time 6:30
February 5, IHSMA Solo & Ensemble
February 5, Winter Guard at Pike HS
February 5, Winter Percussion at New Palestine HS

Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Guard Paint Tarp

Rules call for Winter Guard to have a tarp on the floor during their presentation. A tarp can be screen printed, plain or painted; the JV unit will have a painted tarp for the 2011 season; and members from the both units gave up their Saturday evening to prep and paint the JV tarp. This season the JV Guard will present their show “Halo” so the tarp has a gold circle to represent the “Halo” from their song by BeyoncĂ©. Heaven and earth are depicted by having the halo in a cream color at the bottom part of the tarp. The design was created by guard director, Katie Townsend. Armed with paint rollers along with six different colors, the members completed the task in 4 hours time. Once finished, each member had speckled arms, legs, and feet in different colors of purple, yellow, and blue. The finished product is a masterpiece for the members to present on January 29 during their first competition.

Thanks go to parents, Scott and Colleen Lee for their help during this 4 hour project.

Upcoming events:
January 20, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band
January 20, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
January 21, 6 to 9 pm, JV Guard
January 22, 12 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion
January 22, 1 to 5 pm, JV Guard
January 22, 1 to 9 pm, Varsity Guard
January 24, 6 to 9 pm, Varsity Guard & Winter Percussion
January 25, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Percussion Prepares for the 2011 Season

Now that the Holidays are behind us, the Winter Percussion continues to practice as they prepare for a new season. Per, Winter Percussion is defined as “An indoor percussion ensemble or indoor drumline consists of the marching percussion (also called battery) and front ensemble (also called pit) sections of a marching band or drum corps. Indoor percussion marries elements of music performance, marching, and theater; thus, the activity is often referred to as percussion theater.” Our 28 members will be Concert Percussion this year; consisting of pit instruments. The members will be playing vibraphone, marimbas, and electronic instruments, along with a drumset, plus other instruments used in the front ensemble. Their first competition is set for Saturday, February 5, at New Palestine HS.

Upcoming events:
    January 13, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band
    January 13, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion & Varsity Guard
    January 14, 6 to 9 pm, JV Guard
    January 15, TBA, Varsity Guard
    January 17, 9 am to 5 pm, Varsity Guard
    January 18, 3 to 4:15 pm, Jazz Band
    January 18, 6 to 9 pm, Winter Percussion
    January 18, 6 to 8:30 pm, Varsity Guard

    January 14, Pep Band, Call time 6:15