Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ice Cream Social a “Giant” Success

Despite forecasted rain, the Marching Giants took the field at Giants Stadium for their annual Ice Cream Social on Thursday, August 9. Many fans filled the stands for this annual event. Distinguished guest included Dr. Jeff Butts, superintendent, David Marcotte, chief personnel officer, and John Taylor, director of secondary education, from the Wayne Township Administrative Team. The evening started out the brass and woodwind members in 17 lines of 9 – 10 students presenting to the crowd their body warm-up. Members have learned ballet movements, such as, Degagé, meaning foot slightly leaves the field, Tendu, the working leg is extended to the front, side or back, gradually along the field until only the tip of the toe remains touching the field. The show “A Thin Line Between Love and Hate” requires the members to march, roll, and dance as they move from position to position all while playing their instruments. The body warm-up allows the kids to stretch and loosen their muscles to prepare their bodies while learning movements to use in their performance. After the brass and woodwind finished, the color guard members presented their body warm-up; showing the crowd much grace and pose. Due to the incoming weather, the directors thought it best to cut some corners and move straight to presenting the show.

The show starts with most members placing their instruments on the field or sideline. Only senior, Kelsey Mendenhall, playing her flute and the members of the pit begin playing. Kelsey is carried on a platform by the drum line across the field as she continues play. As the flute solo plays, the rest of the members are divided by “a thin line”; with the brass on one side of the field and the woodwinds on the other. Members dance with one another before picking up their instruments; and are then joined by the color guard as they begin spinning flags and rifles. The excitement builds in the stands as the crowd is impressed with the beginning of the 2012 marching season.

Want to see more of the Marching Giants; they will be back at Giants Stadium on Friday, August 17, for the season opener football game; when the Giants host Cathedral. Game time is 7 pm; with the Marching Giants as the half-time entertainment. See you in the stands!

  August 15, Full Band, 3:30 pm to 6 pm
  August 16, Full Band, 5:30 to 7:00 pm
  August 20, Color Guard, 6 pm to 9 pm
  August 21, Brass / Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  August 21, Percussion, 6 pm to 9 pm
  August 22, Full Band, 3:30 pm to 6 pm
  August 17, Ben Davis host Cathedral, 7 pm, Giants Stadium

See photos here:

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