Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Marching Giants Perform During Half Time

Ben Davis hosted Cathedral HS on Friday, August 17, for the season opener football game; and where there is football; there is also the Marching Giants. With mild temperatures for August, the stands were packed with fans from both schools. While the members of the band prepared the field for the show, fans in the stands gave shout outs to the band as the anticipation built for the show to be begin. For this presentation, the band had some technical difficulties when the flute solo could not be heard. Within seconds, the issue was resolved and members did not miss a beat of the show. As the members of the band start their show with just the beat of the front ensemble, the flute is heard and the crowd goes wild. Members perform their body movement as the flute solo concludes and the members’ pick-up their instruments and begin playing the first movement entitled “Reaching Out”. While the band members play and move across the field, the color guard creates visual effect as they swing flags and rifles throughout the band.

For the second movement of the show, the members play “Rejection”. Again this year, the show’s music is original music by Don Barrett, composer. The members have only learned the first two movements of the show; but, when the show is finished will have learned the remaining two movements entitled “Acceptance” for the third movement; while the fourth movement has not been given to the students yet. Everyone waits in excitement for the final two moments to be put on the field. The members continue to practice, add, and prefect their show.

Your next chance to see what they have added is Friday, August 31, when Ben Davis will host North Central for Friday night football. See you in the stands!

  August 22, Full Band, 3:30 pm to 6 pm
  August 23, Full Band, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
  August 25, Full Band, 8 am to 4:30 pm
  August 27, Color Guard, 6 pm to 9 pm
  August 28, Brass / Woodwinds, 3:30 to 6 pm
  August 28, Percussion, 6 pm to 9 pm
  August 29, Brass / Woodwinds, 3:30 pm to 6 pm
  August 31, Friday Night Football, Call Time, 5 pm
  August 31, Ben Davis host North Central, 7 pm, Giants Stadium

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