Thursday, September 13, 2012

Marching Giants Dress for Half Time Show

The second football game of the season, found the Marching Giants dressed in full uniform. With the heat of the weather of late, the members have been seen in their travel uniforms for parades, ice cream social and the first football game. This past Friday the members were excited to perform to packed stands; but, the excitement also came from the students as they performed their show “The Thin Line Between Love and Hate” in full uniform for the first time this season. With the students dressing in full uniform they were able to find out which “Box” they would be assigned to and met their Box Moms, and in some cases, their Box Dads. The Box Parents volunteer their time to help the students look their best before taking the field. Once on the field, the members take pride in being part of the Marching Giants and the uniform. From head to toe, with the shako being positioned correctly to their shoes polished to a bright shine and everything fitting just so in between.

The half time show was a success this week as the members keep adding to their show. There are now fences as props that are taken apart and used in the show. Some of the members spin and dance with the fence pieces for a new visual effect getting “oohs and aahs” from the crowd. This is the first time in several years that the Marching Giants have used props as a visual effect in their show. After the spinning is finished, the fences are put back together and moved across the field for more effect.

This coming Saturday will be their last all day practice; as the following week, they begin their competition season. Their first competition will be at Fishers HS on September 15. Hope to…See you in the stands!

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