Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Marching Giants Are One Step Closer to ISSMA State

Fall Break began for all of Wayne Township schools on Friday, October 12; but your Marching Giants return to the HS on Saturday to compete in ISSMA Regional competition. Four sites around the state would hosted this annual event. The Marching Giants would, once again, travel to Center Grove HS to compete against 15 other bands in hopes of receiving a Gold rating and placing in the top 10 scores to advance to Semi-State.

Saturday morning, the students arrived for five hours of practice to prepare for the ensuing competition. While the kids were grooming their show for the evening, approximately 10 volunteers were inside the HS preparing dinner for the unit. After practice, the members loaded the trucks and returned inside to partake in food, fellowship, and a little relaxation. When they finished eating, they went to the dressing room to put on their uniforms and return to the band room. The rain had come in while the members were eating; but when it was time to load the buses, the rain had stopped; but the wind had remained. The crew, concerned with keeping the props intact, loaded the sand bags on the truck just to be safe. With instruments, children, props, directors, and chaperones, all loaded on buses, semi and box trucks, the Marching Giants were ready to hit the road to Greenwood, IN for their next stop as they continue down the road that will take them to Lucas Oil Stadium and ISSMA State finals.

When all eight buses arrived, the members unloaded their instruments and prepared for the evening by attending “circles” for each section. The section leaders, directors, and drum majors speak to the students with words of encouragement before they took the field. Before moving through warm-ups, the directors found out there would be a 10 minute delay in the schedule due to a medical emergency that one of the other bands had experienced. Members were not aware and continued on with their normal routine of physical and music warm-ups. The time had arrived for the Marching Giants to take the field; many fans in the stands cheered and clapped. The wind was still a factor; but the props were prepared with the sandbags; the students did not have to worry about them blowing over this evening. The announcer presented the Marching Giants and their show “A Thin Line Between Love and Hate” while the crowd continued to cheer the members. Once all the props, equipment, and students were in place, all was quite in the stands as the flute solo starts and the show was underway. Throughout the show, phrases have been added where students say, “There’s a thin line between love and hate; it’s complicated; and love and hate, love and hate” echoed. Approximately seven minutes later, the show is finished and everyone in the stands is back on their feet cheering and clapping for the members and a job well done.

Ben Davis was the next to the last band to perform so they did not have to wait long for awards. However, it felt like a life time since the ratings are presented in performance order. Fourteen bands would receive their rating before Ben Davis would be announced; finally, the time had arrived, and the Marching Giants had done it; received a Gold rating. Next, the announcement of the schools with the top ten scores; and, for the second time that evening, Ben Davis is announced. The Marching Giants will be competing in Semi-State competition in their home stadium on Saturday, October 27; performance time is 1:52 pm. The Marching Giants will host the top 20 bands, in Class A, from around the state as they continue their quest in hopes of competing in ISSMA State competition.

Next week, you can see the Marching Giants at Lucas Oil Stadium for Bands of America Super Regional. This is a two day competition where the Marching Giants will first perform Friday afternoon at 4:15 pm. They will then find out on Saturday afternoon the results of the schools moving to finals. While many students will enjoy the two week fall break, your Marching Giants will be out on the field practicing and performing for the love of their show. They hope to…See You in the Stands!

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