Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Marching Giants Compete at BOA Super Regional

While still on Fall Break, the Marching Giants continue to practice and perform. Members continued to practice last week as they prepared for Bands of America Super Regional downtown. After an all day practice on Thursday and morning practice on Friday, the Marching Giants loaded their eight buses and head down to Lucas Oil Stadium for the Bands of America Super Regional preliminary performance. This competition was a two-day scheduled event with preliminary performances from fifty-two bands from eight states. All of these bands were competing for one of fourteen spots in final performance on Saturday evening. The Marching Giants arrived at Lucas Oil Stadium while it was raining. They were unable to hold circles outside; but the rain did not stop this tradition, they form the “circle” on the buses. Section leaders were able to continue the tradition by giving words of encouragement to the members before they entered the stadium, some for the first time. After, they unloaded the buses and began the decent down the long ramp into the underbelly of the stadium. Making stops in physical and music warm-ups before taking the field.
Finally, the members were on the field and ready to show all the fans in the stands their show “A Thin Line Between Love and Hate”. If any member was still nervous, the audience was unable to tell, as the members give it their all. During the show, the audience can be heard cheering and clapping during different places; after the flute solo, after the trumpet trio, during and after the drumline solo, after the music quiets and becomes loud again. The fans in the stands are not disappointed with this fast paced marching and awesome music from the Marching Giants. The show completes and the Marching Giants load their instruments on the equipment trucks and themselves on to their buses. Members return to the HS and head home. They would have to wait until last Saturday afternoon to find out if they would make finals.
Saturday, they return to the HS for morning and afternoon practice. Dinner was provided by the Band Boosters. After dinner, the members convened in band room to watch the preliminary awards ceremony. With fifty-two bands receiving participation awards, the anticipation built in the room. Finally, the announcer would call out, in no particular order, the top fourteen bands. These bands would perform in finals competition Saturday evening. Ben Davis was the fourth band to be called. The band room erupts in screams and cheers. However, the members, parents and staff could only celebrate for a moment, since they would be the fifth band to perform and everyone needed to load the buses and head back to Lucas Oil Stadium.

Ben Davis took the field at 8:15 pm; and with the top fourteen bands performing, the stands were packed with fans waiting to see all the top bands. The Marching Giants did not disappoint the fans. The performance was their best to date. The crowd is pleased as well. The Marching Giants received a stand ovation along with cheers and loud claps from their dedicated fans and new fans. After their performance, the members were able to relax and watch some of the other bands perform before awards. Since this was a BOA Super Regional, all the members from the fourteen bands would line the field in full retreat.
All the bands awaited the announcer to call their name for placement. The first three bands are called; members and fans did not heard Ben Davis, the next three places are called and Ben Davis is not one them; place 8th is called and then 7th, this time the announcer calls out the Ben Davis Marching Band. Ben Davis placed 7th overall for this Super Regional. The drum majors proudly receive the trophy for all the Marching Giants. Job well done!
Next week, the Marching Giants perform in ISSMA Semi-State competition. This is the next to the last stop before State competition; and will take place on their home field. Good Luck Marching Giants. For all you Fans…See You in the Stands!

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